About Us
About Tralee Golf
Started in 1998 by Ron Thompson, Tralee Golf is a 9 hole golf course east of Listowel. At just over 2,000 yards and a par of 32, our course is appropriate for all ages and experience. Please note we do not take tee times and there is no enforced dress code. We also have a 250 yard mat based driving range, a practice chipping and putting green all of which are perfect for practice before a round or for when you are tight for time. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Course Statistics

Course Layout

General Golf Etiquette & Tralee Golf Rules
We kindly ask that you follow general Golf Etiquette and our Tralee Golf rules while you enjoy your round!
General Golf Etiquette
• Respect all golf properties. • Be courteous to other golfers and staff. • Allow faster players to play through. • Groups other than 4 players have no rights in etiquette disputes. • Replace all turf divots. • Repair ball marks on greens. • Do not roll or drag pull carts across greens. • Avoid all scuffs from shoes, clubs and pins to the greens. • Proper shoes must be worn – we recommend soft soled shoes such as running shoes. (Metal spikes, soccer shoes and cowboy boots are not acceptable). • Follow all cart signs – this is for your safety! • Drive all carts responsibly – respect all other golfers, staff and property. • Keep carts away from the greens as far as possible. • Keep carts off the tee blocks.
Tralee Golf Rules
• Do not steal the range balls. • Keep out of gravelled (old truss) yard. • Do not trespass onto adjoining properties.
Tralee Golf Cart Rules
• Keep carts out of the parking lot, adjoining properties and trees. • Keep carts off the roads. • Keep carts visible to all other golfers and staff. • Keep carts moving in a forward direction – no tight circles and limit backing up.